Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mercedes Diesel
On the walk to school, I pass a very large gas station/ supermarket/ cafe/ restaurant. I think they market themselves as the cure all for any travelling woe in the city. The name is somewhere in the vicinity of Odeon - عودن, but I don't remember exactly. Depending on the day, it is about a 50-50 chance, there will be a giant green truck parked on the sidewalk by the gas station, pumping petrol into a valve on the retaining wall. One day the truck was actually pulling up to its stop on the sidewalk, and I had to dodge out of the way (I was still unaccustomed to the proximity to cars that Amman mandates.) The back of the truck supports a large, segmented cylindrical drum lying lengthwise and on the front, right beneath the windshield, in faded lettering, once silver now tarnished black, reads Mercedes Diesel. Above the Lettering sits that familiar Mercedes Benz Star.
I think the Los Angeles area has the most protected pedestrians of anywhere I have been. The more I travel, the more I appreciate this.
Is the drum like a long 55 barrel drum, less refined than our gas trucks?
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